Why is it vulgar/immoral for men to say they like good looking women and for...
Why is it Vulgar/Immoral for men to say they like good looking women and for women to say they like rich men Actual question from quora. Why is it vulgar/immoral for men to say they like good looking...
View ArticleΟρισμένες πιθανές λύσεις
Simple. Ας τα άτομα αποφασίζουν πόσο πολύ θέλουν να δαπανήσουν για τις γυναίκες τους (ή οι άνδρες?) and children. Εάν ένας δισεκατομμυριούχος θέλουν να περάσουν $100 εκατ. ευρώ για 10 kids, Είναι...
View ArticleDo Most People Happier on Long Term Relationship?
If they think they will be happy in long term relationship, then go for it. Why they should insist others to go into nonsense relationship they believe in? Why should they prohibit more normal...
View ArticleAm I the most pitiful man around?
What an ugly women like you know about how competitive I am. There are men paying way more than I am only to get nothing in return. You’ve seen the horror stories. There are men spending way more money...
View ArticlePro Marriage People are Bigots
Harold, Tons of people are financially ruined and you just callously say that it’s their fault. What do you call people that say that it’s the jews fault to get into concentration camp? People will...
View ArticleHow Calling Something Differently Makes Things Right or Wrong?
I am not saying you’re not right or anything. It’s not my opinion. Look at that quora link. That’s how many OTHER thinks. But then again it’s not unique. 1. She has no say -> rape -> wrong ->...
View ArticleDo hot girls want to be married?
Not if they can be a mistress of somebody 5 times richer instead. Maybe some do want marriage. Some women are assholes and like to have the powah to destroy her men’s life. Some girls want to turn...
View ArticleHow to Govern Well
00:14:46,600 –> 00:14:48,100 have you been a governor before? 257 00:14:48,100 –> 00:14:48,900 nope 258 00:14:48,900 –> 00:14:50,300 let me show you, let me show you! 259 00:14:50,500 –>...
View Article101Β Ηθική
Okay, let me make this a little clearer. First you need powah. It comes from bullets, or ballots. But that alone is not enough. We are not simply greedy, selfish, cruel and cowardice species. We are...
View ArticleShould you get married?
At least not as long as government still regulate marriage and you can still do it outside marriage legally. If that doesn’t persuade you, you need to take into account that marriage is like selling...
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